The Wild West has finally arrived in the family law/domestic relations legal marketplace. Competition is great! But now there are a bewildering array of approaches that attorneys and corporations are using to get your business, with important consequences for you. The method of delivery of those services varies as wildly as the approaches. The consumer who rarely utilizes an attorney or is calling a law office for the first time, is at a distinct disadvantage. That consumer typically opens the phone inquiry with that single question; how must is it going to cost? That question is important, but it should never be the first question asked.
Once upon a time, when you “hired a lawyer,” you were pretty sure you knew what you were getting when you signed the legal services contract. Not anymore! Traditionally, when a lawyer was hired by a consumer, a formal attorney-client relationship was created between them. This relationship had (and still does if one is actually created) definite obligations for both parties attached to it. These obligations were well defined by custom, law, and ethical duties. In the Wild West divorce/domestic relations marketplace of today, for the unwary consumer, it is “let the buyer beware”.
Missing from ALL of the approaches below is a legal strategy designed to achieve your unique goals, developed before you file your first documents with the court, and refined as needed over time.
Armed with knowledge of these approaches, a consumer will be better equipped to maneuver in this bewildering thicket and emerge with what best matches her needs and expectations. She will get those legal services she wants and avoid those unpleasant surprises that often arise later.

The most common approaches are listed below with a brief description of each.
1. Self-Help
Some law offices are offering legal "consultations" on how to complete the myriad court forms which are part of any divorce or post-decree divorce motion. The consultations themselves may be either held at the attorney's office or even over the phone, paid for via a credit card. Payment for these consultations may be by the minute or by blocks of time purchased by the consumer. However, these "consultations" are NOT to be confused with the traditional legal consultation offered at Monte K. Snyder, Attorney.
No formal attorney-client relationship need be created between the attorney and consumer. The attorney is simply assisting the consumer to complete the various court forms on her own. This may be just answering her questions as they arise, or may be more helpful. It is neither thorough nor complete. "Help" of this sort may do you more harm than good, since any "help" is based upon an incomplete understanding of your specific circumstances. There is no established custom or format, and the approach can vary as widely as there are attorneys. Since there is no attorney-client relationship formed, the attorney does NOT represent the consumer. (note that I said consumer and not client) She is representing herself, Pro Se in legal terms. The contract with the attorney will usually state this. CAUTION - read the contract carefully before you sign/or confirm via phone. This is NOT legal representation and all that means. Better to retain a good Family Law Attorney who will represent your interests ethically and thoroughly. An example is the $500.00 - $1,000.00 dissolution offered by some attorneys you see online or on public benches.
1. Self-Help
Some law offices are offering legal "consultations" on how to complete the myriad court forms which are part of any divorce or post-decree divorce motion. The consultations themselves may be either held at the attorney's office or even over the phone, paid for via a credit card. Payment for these consultations may be by the minute or by blocks of time purchased by the consumer. However, these "consultations" are NOT to be confused with the traditional legal consultation offered at Monte K. Snyder, Attorney.
No formal attorney-client relationship need be created between the attorney and consumer. The attorney is simply assisting the consumer to complete the various court forms on her own. This may be just answering her questions as they arise, or may be more helpful. It is neither thorough nor complete. "Help" of this sort may do you more harm than good, since any "help" is based upon an incomplete understanding of your specific circumstances. There is no established custom or format, and the approach can vary as widely as there are attorneys. Since there is no attorney-client relationship formed, the attorney does NOT represent the consumer. (note that I said consumer and not client) She is representing herself, Pro Se in legal terms. The contract with the attorney will usually state this. CAUTION - read the contract carefully before you sign/or confirm via phone. This is NOT legal representation and all that means. Better to retain a good Family Law Attorney who will represent your interests ethically and thoroughly. An example is the $500.00 - $1,000.00 dissolution offered by some attorneys you see online or on public benches.
2. Online Referral Companies
These are national corporations which contract with local attorneys to provide legal services in your local domestic relations court, claiming to offer quality legal services for less. They are organized under the auspices of unions, associations like the AARP, and for-profit corporations who contract with consumers independently. They contract with a local attorney, usually for a fixed price for a specified number of services to be supplied to “their customer.” Services provided are usually limited to basic services, similar to buying a standard car without any extras and options. Anything not covered in those “specified services” are subject to additional charges by the local attorney. The online legal services corporation owes no fiduciary duty to you to act in your best interests, like the attorney does. It has no lawyer/client relationship with its “customer.” Essentially, you are simply adding an unnecessary middleman to the equation, thus increasing your overall costs. See Are You Getting What You Pay For?
These are national corporations which contract with local attorneys to provide legal services in your local domestic relations court, claiming to offer quality legal services for less. They are organized under the auspices of unions, associations like the AARP, and for-profit corporations who contract with consumers independently. They contract with a local attorney, usually for a fixed price for a specified number of services to be supplied to “their customer.” Services provided are usually limited to basic services, similar to buying a standard car without any extras and options. Anything not covered in those “specified services” are subject to additional charges by the local attorney. The online legal services corporation owes no fiduciary duty to you to act in your best interests, like the attorney does. It has no lawyer/client relationship with its “customer.” Essentially, you are simply adding an unnecessary middleman to the equation, thus increasing your overall costs. See Are You Getting What You Pay For?
3. Online Document Content Providers
These corporations do not practice law and are not licensed to by any State. They do not represent the consumer in court and don't claim to. The online consumer will represent herself, Pro Se in legal terminology, and appear alone in court. Their services are limited to the preparation of the basic pleadings and court forms a typical consumer encounters in a divorce. Their marketing strategy is this, offering a divorce that is CHEAP, EASY, AND FAST. But will this approach meet your needs?
For a more detailed explanation of online legal services, see “Compare An Internet Site With An Attorney’s Service To A Client.”
These corporations do not practice law and are not licensed to by any State. They do not represent the consumer in court and don't claim to. The online consumer will represent herself, Pro Se in legal terminology, and appear alone in court. Their services are limited to the preparation of the basic pleadings and court forms a typical consumer encounters in a divorce. Their marketing strategy is this, offering a divorce that is CHEAP, EASY, AND FAST. But will this approach meet your needs?
- Beware of ridiculous low prices! This is an old marketing tactic, which involves luring one in and then up-selling to more expensive packages.
- Standardized forms are by necessity very general, that is they cover the basics only. They are not designed to be specific.
- Standardized forms are NOT tailored to meet her specific needs. This requires draftsmanship only an attorney can provide in preparing those forms. Nor do they include a strategy to obtain those needs specified in the forms.
- The whole point of a divorce is to separate the married couple and restore them to their individual status before the law and protect the children. If the essential forms are not tailored to protect her rights, they fail of their essential purpose, and she will not be happy with the final results.
For a more detailed explanation of online legal services, see “Compare An Internet Site With An Attorney’s Service To A Client.”
4. Do It Yourself Kits (DIY)
These range from self-help books at your bookstore to stock forms at your office supply store. They share one common flaw. All their advice and forms are generic, that is they are designed for a national marketplace. The problem is, family law and domestic relations are governed by the individual States, and each one is different. For example, property division is vastly different in community property States than in common law States. Not only may their advice/guidance be inapplicable to your situation, misinform, and confuse you, but may actually harm your position if you rely upon it. Nor do they include the myriad differences in local practice, local court rules, which regulate how your divorce proceeds through court. CAUTION - Reliance upon these sources to assist you in handling your own divorce can be dangerous to your interests.
Each week I encounter horror stories from individuals who attempted to handle their own divorces and post-decree motions, without the assistance of a Family Law Attorney. Would you attempt to do surgery upon yourself? What do you think the likely outcome would be? Abraham Lincoln said, "a lawyer's time and advice are his stock in trade." A woman (or man) who acts as their own attorney, has a fool for a client! A divorce can be a fresh start if done properly, or a nightmare when choosing one of the alternatives. The consequences may last for years and cost you thousands of dollars.
These range from self-help books at your bookstore to stock forms at your office supply store. They share one common flaw. All their advice and forms are generic, that is they are designed for a national marketplace. The problem is, family law and domestic relations are governed by the individual States, and each one is different. For example, property division is vastly different in community property States than in common law States. Not only may their advice/guidance be inapplicable to your situation, misinform, and confuse you, but may actually harm your position if you rely upon it. Nor do they include the myriad differences in local practice, local court rules, which regulate how your divorce proceeds through court. CAUTION - Reliance upon these sources to assist you in handling your own divorce can be dangerous to your interests.
Each week I encounter horror stories from individuals who attempted to handle their own divorces and post-decree motions, without the assistance of a Family Law Attorney. Would you attempt to do surgery upon yourself? What do you think the likely outcome would be? Abraham Lincoln said, "a lawyer's time and advice are his stock in trade." A woman (or man) who acts as their own attorney, has a fool for a client! A divorce can be a fresh start if done properly, or a nightmare when choosing one of the alternatives. The consequences may last for years and cost you thousands of dollars.
Location to Serve You:
- Clients: Catalina Manufactured Home Park at 6501 Germantown Rd., Lot 41, Middletown, Ohio, 45042-1264, on State Route #4 [My Home - by appointment only] (Near the Land of Illusion Haunted Scream Park.)
- Phone: 513 423-8912
- Email: Monte K. Snyder, Attorney